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Magellan 3410VSi and 3450VSi FIXED RETAIL SCANNERS

Magellan 3410VSi and 3450VSi FIXED RETAIL SCANNERS


Indian RFID provides the best scanners for complete retailsolutions at the best prices. Magellan 3410VSi and 3450VSi on-counterscanners from Datalogic are simple to use and bring best-in-class benefits toyour operations. While outwardly identical, these products offer differentlevels of performance to suit all of your needs.  The Magellan3410VSi is an entry-level imaging scanner, aimed to replace thebest-selling 3200VSi product. The 3410VSi provides powerful performance at an attractive price.  Ifyou need more processing power and faster throughput, however, the high-endMagellan 3450VSi has the best scanning performance of any single-planescanner on the market.  These scanners work well in a variety ofapplications, including retail point of salepharmacydrug verification, and hands-free component verification. The extra-large reading area and sweepscanning provide fast and easy reading from a variety of barcodes and othersources. The Magellan 3410VSi and 3450VSi bring greaterefficiency to your business.

Please contact for Magellan 3410VSi and 3450VSi FIXED RETAIL SCANNERS for price related queries and placing orders at :

      S - 4, Pankaj Plaza, Pocket - 7,
      Plot - 7, Near Metro Station,
      Dwarka Sector - 12,
      Metro Pillar No - 1030,
      New Delhi - 110078, India

011-28032434, 011-46102688

+91-9717122688, +91-9810822688







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